Monday, December 06, 2004

Bon Soir

Just a quick blog to sum up the last few days.

Went out with Niki on Friday to see Jerry Hager live at The Family Wash.

We ran into Kelly and Mark and shared their table while we checked out the show.

After we went out to the Shelby pedestrian bridge and watched the river flow.

On Saturday I went to see Lain York's show at Zeitgeist and really enjoyed it.

After I hung out with all the usual suspects including Catie, who I don't see as much since she moved to M'boro and Sarah who I don't see as much since she left the 'hood. Catie and I were Kung Fu fighting at P.M. after Nathanael was done playing and Sarah and I went back to my place to watch Boo Bah, because it's insane.

Anyway it's late and I am going to bed.

Joe Nolan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and then Sarah was mysteriously kept awake by Teletubbies, which is also insane and has the added bonus of the creepy baby sun.

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madcap Evening

The bridge is paved with
Silver Lining.
Glowing brightly, artificially illuminated,
It swallows the moon yet
Awakens my senses.
My grey wool ambush
Pleasantly surprises you.
Spotlighted embrace!
We tango with an offbeat choreography
And dance to our own
Differently drummed tune.
As the bridge's pathway
Fades into darkness,
I see clearly in your
Beacon's blazing wake.

1:48 PM  

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